“If you think it’s expensive to hire a professional to do the job, wait until you hire an amateur”

Red Adair

Why recruiters should spend time with candidate and with which candidates a recruiter should actually spend time. After all time is precious.

Reason is simple – A recruiter needs a candidate who is fit for the Job position they are working. And to get such candidate, first recruiter should know whether candidates who are approached by recruiters are actually interested or not.

While dealing with candidate, a recruiter should always find that

  1. Whether candidate is interested in job or not at first.
  2. Whether candidate is just exploring the market and not at all decided about job change.

A recruiter should always concentrate on those candidates who are interested in Job position and looking seriously for Job change. Significant task of recruiter is finished here only since if all candidates shortlisted are actually interested then chances of turning down the offer at last moment minimizes. The only risk then remains is that candidate might prefer another job position due to better terms offered.

But this interest of candidates in Job position can only be analyzed after

  1. either candidates straight away denies the position
  2. or if candidate is interested then recruiter should further carefully evaluate the candidate on the desired parameters as per their own checklist/ processes.

Key point here is that interested candidate will always reply/ will provide answers to all questions/ queries of recruiter provided recruiter has her own set of questions ready to judge the candidate. Thus candidates who do not reply to a recruiter queries might also not be interested. A recruiter need to be cautious on such candidates.

Thus even at the screening level more and more rejections by recruiter is beneficial since this will eliminate wastage of time in whole recruitment process which client has to spend as well as recruiter.

We guess we would paraphrase Robert Half and say, “Time spent on recruiting is time well spent.”

          Rekha Gupta


          AFT Recruiters Private Limited

          Recruitment Specialist in Accounts Finance and Tax


Recruitment specialist in Accounts, Finance and Taxation from staff level to leadership level


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